We believe everyone has a passionate inner runner within, just waiting to be let loose. So keep reading to find out the top benefits of running. And feel pumped about this accessible, enjoyable, and hugely rewarding way to workout.
Research has proved it – at least 30 minutes of exercise five times a week gives us many benefits.
It helps to prevent obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, some forms of cancer__ The list goes on. Exercise can even help you live longer.
Working out more often is the single biggest thing you can do to rapidly improve your health. And not just physically. The positive effects of exercise on mental health are well-reputed, too.
Lets take a closer look at the benefits.
Running makes you happy. That’s a fact.
If you already exercise regularly then you know – even when it’s a struggle to get to the gym in the first place – you always feel amazing afterwards. That rush of endorphins after a full workout is a natural mood enhancer.
When you get this feeling after a run, there’s an added sense of achievement which is known as runners’ high.
Studies have shown that just 30 minutes on a treadmill can instantly lift the mood of people with depression. In fact, exercise is such a well-known remedy for depression, it’s often the first thing doctors prescribe.
And even if you have a clean bill of mental health, why deny yourself that free giddy feeling?
Regular runs can also boost your sleep quality, and concentration, even if you don’t go fast or for at first Just get started and you’ll soon be addicted to that wonderful natural high.
Running helps you hoe longer.
Even if you just do the bare minimum of 30 minutes five times a week, you’ll add years to your life.
Research has show that ex-smokers who take up running add just over four years to their lives. And even current smokers can add over two and a half years.
Cancer survivors who take up running can extended their hoes by over five years. And those with heart disease can gain more than four.
And with all that extra happiness you’ll be generating, you’re going to want all the years you can get!
Don’t sweat it if your joints struggle at first. A recent study from Boston University has proved that, far from weakening your joints and bones, running helps to strengthen them.
But proper shoes are important. Get get them fitted at a reputable running store if you can.
Running on tracks and grass will help, too. But over time you’ll get strong and your legs will grow used to the impact.
Exercise is easy when you’re young, and equally as easy to dismiss. But as you get older t becomes much more important.
Staying in shape not only benefits your health, but also your mind. Numerous studies have shown that if you want to avoid age-related mental decline, you must stay fit and active. Because exercise aids attention, concentration, planning, and organising.
Old age might seem a long way away. But good habits formed now stay with you for life. Become an active person today and you wont struggle to become one tomorrow.
studies have also shown that running increases the blood flow to your ears.
According to a Kentucky university, those with greater cardiorespiratory fitness have better hearing function at both high and low frequencies. And women with better aerobic fitness are six percent more likely to have good hearing.
So there you have it. The more you run, the better you hear.
It sounds obvious, we know. But we think its still worth mentioning.
Not only do you burn calories while you run, but the effects continue long after you stop. Although you do need to put the effort in and maintain 70 percent of your maximum pace for the majority of your run.
But don’t let this put you off, especially if you’ve never run before. Start with running in short bursts then gradually increase your distance as you begin to lose weight.
Because it’s high intensity, you’ll soon notice the effects -prepare to look and feel fantastic!
Running keeps many illnesses at bay, including some forms of cancer.
Not only are physically-active people less likely to get cancer in the first place, but exercise also helps to keep cancer from coming back.
Its all about those magic thirty minutes. Get them in five times a week to be the best possible version of yourself.
Let’s look again at all the amazing benefits of running.
be in a better mood
feel more relaxed
have more energy.
be more productive
feel more confident
sleep better.
have established a good habit
have more energy
feel benefits in other areas of your life.
Your heart is healthier.
Your blood sugar in under control.
You’re living a healthier life.
stronger than you were 12 months ago
fitter than you were 12months ago
happier than you were 12 months ago.
maintain a healthy weight
reduce back and knee problems
have lowered the risk of some cancers
have a healthy heart.
look younger than you are
age slower
are more likely to live longer
are fitter and living to the full.